June General Meeting Minutes
General Meeting
Date/Time: June 4, 2022/10:00am – 11:00am via zoom
Present: Angie Cameron, Michael Desposito, Sharisse Edwards, Christin Fontes, Carmella Hill, Sherdene Simpson, Natalie Thornberry
- Call to order: 10:02 am
- Welcome: Carmella welcomed everyone to the meeting and everyone introduced themselves.
- Secretary Report: Minutes were reviewed – Approval of General Meeting minutes from March 12, 2022. Mike motioned to accept the March minutes. Sherdene seconded the motion.
- Treasurers Report: Current balance $7,444.28. recent withdrawals from Spring event $10 and $20 gift cards. Kara cashed $80 reimbursement from Spring conference. Three deposits from OCA $110.00, $195.00 & 161.00. She is working on division report.
- President Elect Report:
- Emerging Leaders Update: Mike provided an update that includes three meetings with the fourth meeting scheduled. The Executive team has been involved and included in the conversations and round table style to provide a diverse look at leadership and styles/challenges. There will be a meeting in June and two additional meetings slated to occur with two optional meetings. This process should wrap up by December 2022.
- Past President Report:
- DEI: Sherdene reported the first diversity dialog happened last week. She told the team to expect more dialogues in the future to create conversation around diversity. She will provide more information to engage in the conversations.
- Congratulations to Sherdene on her recent election of OCA President Elect. EOCA is proud to have her represent EOCA and the profession at the state level.
- President Report:
- Carmella reviewed the “EOCA Year in Review July 2021-June 2022” document to ensure all events were included in the EOCA records.
- Executive Board & General Meetings (list upcoming dates)
- To be determined with new leadership.
- Topics for discussion
- Counseling Compact – allowing professionals to work in other states with their current state licensures.
- Medicare legislation activity -
- Website being finalized – This should be available to the public soon.
- Future Workshop Series? One time larger/longer workshop? – EOCA has done an ethics series, but requested ideas from members present. Sharisse stated there is a need around suicide, as well as integrating back into society after being isolated for so long. Anxiety around attending public places, shootings, burnout, etc. Another topic would be personality disorders. Mike stated Natalie mentioned a need around child and adolescents. He stated how can we look more at ethics practically and effectively. Natalie suggested self-diagnosis in the age of social media.
- What would you like to see EOCA do? – Nothing mentioned at this time.
- Committees…We need Y-O-U!: Carmella reviewed the open positions available in EOCA or participation in the committees as well.
- Website/Social Media – helping EOCA to have a presence and providing information. Website would include management and keeping updated with information.
- Professional Development – being part of documentation submission for CEUs, managing the zoom during the training, sending reports, etc.
- Membership Chair (potentially for July 2022 to June 2023) – connects EOCA to members, welcomes them to the group, provides information, etc.
- University Reps – representing EOCA at the university level for those in counseling programs
- Advocacy – advocating with the profession.
- Practitioner's Track – OCA has a private practice interest group and connect with that group to connect professionals with EOCA.
- Awards Committee – This is a concerted effort with OCA for EOCA to have an award at the 2023 OCA Spring Conference and future conferences.
- Ideas for other ways to get involved?
- Pain points in your current role & how can EOCA help:
- Nothing brought to attention
- Other topics for discussion/issues/concerns: Nothing brought up at the meeting.
- Transition to incoming President, Michael Desposito – Mike thanked everyone who has come before him. He stated EOCA is a collaborative board and is a powerful force moving forward. The Executive Team will meet at the end of the month to fully transition. He is looking forward to supporting the students and practitioners.
- Sherdene: She stated is has been a pleasure to serve in her roles. She appreciates the support EOCA has given her. She stated the collaboration; team work and relationships are valuable.
- Meeting Adjourned: 10:45 am
- Counseling Compact – allowing professionals to work in other states with their current state licensures.